Celebrating Being Unique
We come into this world on our own and we also leave on our own. From the time we enter a human form we leave a stamp on the world that is truly unique to us.
Even so, as humans we feel stronger when we connect with others. Connection is different to fitting. To fit in to something you have to find a mould made just for us. That will never happen. There is only ever going to be one you.
So instead, we make connections with people. Some for short periods, some for longer and some very strong and everlasting.
When we cannot find these connections easily we can feel isolated and alone. Some people are afraid to show who they truly are to the world because of this.
When we are young finding a sense of self can be difficult. We have not had the time to figure out everything that makes us who we are. Battling judgements and discrimination can take its toll on us as we are growing. We need to teach our children to explore what it is that makes them who they are and to be tolerant of others while they do the same.
As humans we need to celebrate our uniqueness. How boring would the world be if we all thought, dressed and acted the same?
I am drawn to those people who are similar and therefore I connect to easily. However, I also enjoy being in the presence of someone who challenges my thoughts and actions.
It takes a lot of courage to stand as an individual . Being true to who we are is the most loving act we can do for ourselves. It is essential to our own health and wellbeing.
"If you build it they will come"……….is not only a line out of a Kevin Costner movie, but a valuable piece of advice. If you stay true to who you are, people will pick up on that energy. They will feel comfortable around you-even admire your courage.
The human experience can be quite conflicting at times. We can yearn for acceptance and love so much that we actually push it away. When we let go of the attachment to it, it can come to us naturally. When someone says "I love you", they want to love YOU…not a stereotype of you. We will never be truly alone if we learn to accept and celebrate our uniqueness.