Living in the Real World
I was once told by a medium that I did not want to come to earth when I had the choice. I was very happy in my alternative universe (wherever that was). However, it was explained to me that I was needed here on earth. Now whether or not I believe in past lives, or that we choose our life before we get here, what I can say is I really resonated with the statement of not wanting to come here. This is because I don’t always do 'human' very well. For most of my life I have felt like an outsider. I became a chameleon a lot of the time as I didn't know my true identity. I thought if I changed my personality to connect to whoever was sitting next to me they would like me.
It is a natural trait for humans to feel uncomfortable when they know someone is not being true to who they are. We assume they are hiding something. Of course they are hiding something....their true personality. A lot of the time it is because they don't believe who they are is good enough. After a lot of soul searching and emotional growing I can say I really like who I found. So to anyone who believes they need to be someone else because they are not good enough let me say this…..No one is a mistake. Everyone is good enough.
Feeling connection to a tribe is very important. For me finding my tribe has been a struggle.
Whether or not I chose to come here I am living a human experience. I could have stayed in my alternative universe and been happy, but for whatever reason I am here. I am here to be human and act like a human. I switch between talking about angels and guides to laughing at a good joke and rocking out to my favourite song. Enjoying a good belly laugh or sweating my socks off on the dance floor, does just as much good for my soul as meditating or going for a run.
Nonetheless, I am not always surrounded by like-minded people and I can get judged quite easily. I have learnt to wash off judgements, but that word human means it is not always that easy to do.
Over the years I have come to realise, that no matter how much I deny the true purpose I was sent to earth I need to be who I am. I am here to help people the best way I can. Because each person is at a different level of beliefs and attitudes, I adapt to which human characteristics and which spiritual aspects I can connect with at the time. I see it somewhat the same as entering different areas of a country that have different ways of living life. You cannot expect to connect with a Native American Indian tribe that has been doing things a certain way for years, by telling them they are doing things wrong.
If someone is struggling and asking for help you can only start with where they are in their reality....their real world. I hope I can connect with anyone that needs my help by starting at their level, their reality.......their real world.
So here's to the real world for you, whatever that happens to be and remember…