The Value of Humiliation
Embarrassment and humiliation go hand in hand. The feeling of humiliation can be quite isolating. You feel your self-respect and self-esteem plummet.
To be humble is to choose not to be arrogant or superior, while keeping your self-respect and self-esteem. It seems to me that one is a feeling and one is a choice.
I have endured my fair share of humiliation. It is not a pleasant experience. Even so, I never thought I would admit how much the experience would help me to be true to myself.
I have found that people who are caregivers or people pleasers don’t like coming across as arrogant or superior. They can feel humiliation deeply and can become quite wounded. How long they carry the wound around, can depend on how honest they are about the reasons why they felt the humiliation in the first place.
Self-analysation can be a bit of a process. I went through a period self-analysis last year and it was tough. I still find myself going back and processing every now and then. It took some time, but I have finally learnt the value of the lesson.
I hope I can trust that being humble does not mean I am giving my self-esteem away. I am choosing the act and not the feeling.
Who would have thought there would be value and lessons in feeling humiliation.